Mutterings of Mine

These are the inane ramblings of me, a sad little man in college, hoping to be a 2LT someday relatively soon. Read on at your own risk.


I think, therefor I am.

15 May 2006

While wandering around the internet, looking at varioius things, [have I mentioned that I love wikkipedia? I can start anywhere, and read for hours. It's like a dream come true] I happened across the following story: "Get New Cellphones"; I must say that I am utterly unsurprised, and also thoroughly disgusted. Hard to do both, but I did it.

Seriously, what is this country comming to? I spent four years in the USAF, and since I got out, my overriding goal has been to get a BA so that I can get a commission, and get back in as an officer. Reading [stuff] like this is causing me to seriously re-consider my goals in life. My only hope is that our next president, Democrat or Republican, is not such a, a, ...

I can't even think of a good word. I'm gonna have to go for a list here. Let's see;

  1. Self-Righteous Bible-Thumper
  2. Oil-Monger
  3. Rich, Yale-Educated Misanthrope
  4. Untrustworthy
  5. Incompetent
I think that's enough adjectives and adjective phrases for now. Anyone who has read this far should be able to understand the general thrust of my thought-processes here without my having to spell them out. Yes?

Days like this, sobriety hits hard. [note: wow, I spelled sobriety right the first time!]


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