Mutterings of Mine

These are the inane ramblings of me, a sad little man in college, hoping to be a 2LT someday relatively soon. Read on at your own risk.


I think, therefor I am.

19 February 2008

Ages since last post. Hoping to do better this time. Not that anyone reads this nonsense. I've got a little moleskin journal I don't write in either.
Desperately need to update my website with new photos of my models. Haven't worked on them in a while, but they're further along then the current (ancient) images show.
Got roped into joining Facebook, to keep in touch with my engineering group. I did, however have the satisfaction of going in and killing all the information feeds. Booger if I'm gonna let my engineering group or anyone else get information from me without asking.

18 December 2006

Well, haven't posted anything here in AGES. I suppose that's what comes of school, work, and ROTC. However, it looks like I'll be ditching the ROTC. It makes me sad, but I am convinced that it is a correct decision.

On the plus side, my grades were quite good this semester. On the minus side, I have discovered that the degree plan that I'm following at my Community collage, (two years, then transfer to a four-year school) and the degree plan that I would be following if I were at the four-year school have very little in common with each other. So, I need to go have a chat with the Department Head over at the Nuclear Engineering building, and see what he has to say. If we can work something out, I'll be moving next summer when I transfer. If we can't work something out, I'll just have to move and transfer this summer.

Always something.....

11 July 2006

While wandering about the internet, I found the following Blog. (Have I mentioned I hate that word?) I quite like it, and I may follow in his (or possibly, her) footsteps. Have a look-see.


-The Jigsaw Man

14 June 2006

Wearable computing is here!

Consider the following:
  1. Space Cube
  2. FrogPad
  3. DV920 Icuiti
Pricey, yes, but there you have a wearable computer. It has a slot for a Memory Card, so the internal storage can be upgraded. There's no mouse, but I suspect that a talanted geek can work around that. The only MAJOR issue I see is lack of Wireless Connection, but if you're willing to sacrifice another pocket, I'll bet you can attach a Wireless device by way of the Ethernet port.

The future is now!

13 June 2006

Almost a month since my last post, and there's a reason for that: School started. I'm taking Chem II over the summer, so I don't forget everything I (entierly failed to) learn in Chem I. And now, I'm remembering why I hate Chem. I'm pretty sure they're making stuff up as they go along.

In any case, I am motivated to write today because I am up early. I am up early, because I had a job interview at Client Logic. I understand that it ranks quite higly on the "Horrible places to work" scale, but my current job is almost as bad, and pays crap as well.

I filled out an online application last week. I listed my qualifications, marked Part-Time, selected the specific hours I am avalable to work, and listed my awards and achivements. (Outstanding Unit Award with bronze cluster. I'll bet you have NO IDEA what that means, but "with bronze cluster" always sounds impressive) So, they called me, and I showed up at the Client Logic facility at 10:15. [You would not belive the numbering system on Commerce Park Drive. It's utterly illogical. I'd almost call it a numbering non-system] About 15 minutes into the interview, they told us what kinds of avability they needed. They were not hiring for part-time at all, and the hours I told them I was avalable directly conflicted with their avalablity requirements. Getting out of bed today was an utter waste of my time. Seriously, a Technology company that can't use it's own database? Or simply ignores the information given by the employment prospects? I'm not sure I could have worked for those people anyway.

At least now I can work on getting my Guild Wars character Closer to the Stars.

16 May 2006

I don't have much to say today, but I found this on the Register, and laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. [I get almost all of my IT news from these folks. Brits are wonderful] Ok, Dragonlance fans, you'll love this: DARPA patents the Gnomeflinger. After reading the last line of this story (not counting "Read the patent here") I was forced to quote George Carlin from his Airport Routine. "Well that's a little vague, isn't it?" (If you don't get it, look up the George Carlin Airport Routine. You'll love it. If you don't love it, tough)

On a completly seprate point, I'm seriously considering converting from my own, rather odd religion, to Pastafarianism. I think it was the description of heaven that did it for me. I will be ordering my Missionary Kit, and discarding my Green Man/Death pendant right away.

Ah, hilarity.

15 May 2006

While wandering around the internet, looking at varioius things, [have I mentioned that I love wikkipedia? I can start anywhere, and read for hours. It's like a dream come true] I happened across the following story: "Get New Cellphones"; I must say that I am utterly unsurprised, and also thoroughly disgusted. Hard to do both, but I did it.

Seriously, what is this country comming to? I spent four years in the USAF, and since I got out, my overriding goal has been to get a BA so that I can get a commission, and get back in as an officer. Reading [stuff] like this is causing me to seriously re-consider my goals in life. My only hope is that our next president, Democrat or Republican, is not such a, a, ...

I can't even think of a good word. I'm gonna have to go for a list here. Let's see;

  1. Self-Righteous Bible-Thumper
  2. Oil-Monger
  3. Rich, Yale-Educated Misanthrope
  4. Untrustworthy
  5. Incompetent
I think that's enough adjectives and adjective phrases for now. Anyone who has read this far should be able to understand the general thrust of my thought-processes here without my having to spell them out. Yes?

Days like this, sobriety hits hard. [note: wow, I spelled sobriety right the first time!]