Mutterings of Mine

These are the inane ramblings of me, a sad little man in college, hoping to be a 2LT someday relatively soon. Read on at your own risk.


I think, therefor I am.

16 May 2006

I don't have much to say today, but I found this on the Register, and laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. [I get almost all of my IT news from these folks. Brits are wonderful] Ok, Dragonlance fans, you'll love this: DARPA patents the Gnomeflinger. After reading the last line of this story (not counting "Read the patent here") I was forced to quote George Carlin from his Airport Routine. "Well that's a little vague, isn't it?" (If you don't get it, look up the George Carlin Airport Routine. You'll love it. If you don't love it, tough)

On a completly seprate point, I'm seriously considering converting from my own, rather odd religion, to Pastafarianism. I think it was the description of heaven that did it for me. I will be ordering my Missionary Kit, and discarding my Green Man/Death pendant right away.

Ah, hilarity.


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