Mutterings of Mine

These are the inane ramblings of me, a sad little man in college, hoping to be a 2LT someday relatively soon. Read on at your own risk.


I think, therefor I am.

18 December 2006

Well, haven't posted anything here in AGES. I suppose that's what comes of school, work, and ROTC. However, it looks like I'll be ditching the ROTC. It makes me sad, but I am convinced that it is a correct decision.

On the plus side, my grades were quite good this semester. On the minus side, I have discovered that the degree plan that I'm following at my Community collage, (two years, then transfer to a four-year school) and the degree plan that I would be following if I were at the four-year school have very little in common with each other. So, I need to go have a chat with the Department Head over at the Nuclear Engineering building, and see what he has to say. If we can work something out, I'll be moving next summer when I transfer. If we can't work something out, I'll just have to move and transfer this summer.

Always something.....


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