Mutterings of Mine

These are the inane ramblings of me, a sad little man in college, hoping to be a 2LT someday relatively soon. Read on at your own risk.


I think, therefor I am.

14 June 2006

Wearable computing is here!

Consider the following:
  1. Space Cube
  2. FrogPad
  3. DV920 Icuiti
Pricey, yes, but there you have a wearable computer. It has a slot for a Memory Card, so the internal storage can be upgraded. There's no mouse, but I suspect that a talanted geek can work around that. The only MAJOR issue I see is lack of Wireless Connection, but if you're willing to sacrifice another pocket, I'll bet you can attach a Wireless device by way of the Ethernet port.

The future is now!


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