Mutterings of Mine

These are the inane ramblings of me, a sad little man in college, hoping to be a 2LT someday relatively soon. Read on at your own risk.


I think, therefor I am.

16 May 2006

I don't have much to say today, but I found this on the Register, and laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. [I get almost all of my IT news from these folks. Brits are wonderful] Ok, Dragonlance fans, you'll love this: DARPA patents the Gnomeflinger. After reading the last line of this story (not counting "Read the patent here") I was forced to quote George Carlin from his Airport Routine. "Well that's a little vague, isn't it?" (If you don't get it, look up the George Carlin Airport Routine. You'll love it. If you don't love it, tough)

On a completly seprate point, I'm seriously considering converting from my own, rather odd religion, to Pastafarianism. I think it was the description of heaven that did it for me. I will be ordering my Missionary Kit, and discarding my Green Man/Death pendant right away.

Ah, hilarity.

15 May 2006

While wandering around the internet, looking at varioius things, [have I mentioned that I love wikkipedia? I can start anywhere, and read for hours. It's like a dream come true] I happened across the following story: "Get New Cellphones"; I must say that I am utterly unsurprised, and also thoroughly disgusted. Hard to do both, but I did it.

Seriously, what is this country comming to? I spent four years in the USAF, and since I got out, my overriding goal has been to get a BA so that I can get a commission, and get back in as an officer. Reading [stuff] like this is causing me to seriously re-consider my goals in life. My only hope is that our next president, Democrat or Republican, is not such a, a, ...

I can't even think of a good word. I'm gonna have to go for a list here. Let's see;

  1. Self-Righteous Bible-Thumper
  2. Oil-Monger
  3. Rich, Yale-Educated Misanthrope
  4. Untrustworthy
  5. Incompetent
I think that's enough adjectives and adjective phrases for now. Anyone who has read this far should be able to understand the general thrust of my thought-processes here without my having to spell them out. Yes?

Days like this, sobriety hits hard. [note: wow, I spelled sobriety right the first time!]

10 May 2006

So, a wee bit of backstory.

Back in Febuary or therabouts, I got out of World of Warcraft. I had hit 60 with my two main characters, and while WoW is a great game from 1-59, at 60 the game suddenly ends. The only thing remaining is huge boring raids with people, or long boring grinding, or terribly un-fun PVP battlegrounds. So, I left. I played Empire at war for a time. It was, and is an excelent game. I eagerly await the expansion pack.

But a week ago, or therabouts, Dungons and Dragons online offered a free 7-day trial. I tried it. Two hours later, I removed it. I really, really didn't like it. However, it rekindled the flame of MMO desire in me. So, when payday rolled around, I went and bought Guild Wars. Just the starter. Not the expansion yet. It's a blast! I've barely moved away from it in two daws. Today, I took a break, and went out with my wife for some interaction with, you know, actual people.

Woo-Hoo. Tommorow, more Guild Wars!

02 May 2006

Final exams: Complete. Math, good. English, OK. Speach, good. Chemestry? Not so good. I'll pass, but there will be no flying colors. As I promised myself, after finishing the last test, I went outside and blew my horn. It's an actual horn from some beast or another, and it produces a nice deep tone, when I do it right. Usualy I sputter the first few times.

Freedom for a few weeks, untill summer classes start. Tommorow, I'm gonna play Empire at War untill my eyes bleed.

I have found a loophole that may get the VA to pay for my summer classes.There's a huge argument about what degree plan I'm going to be following for the next four years, and which ones are valad, and who is a burocracy wrapped up in so much red tape that it would not be able to move quickly in case of, say, a fire or somthing, just saying, you know.

Anycase, loophole. I'm TECHNICLY still on the Computer Science plan since they won't let me transfer to the Engeneering plan; and since CS wants me to take Chem 2, it looks like they'll have to pay for it. The sooner they figure out the dreegree plan, the better.

Edit: I got an A in algebra, and a B in my other classes.